I love the simplicity of bicycles. I first began riding a bicycle when I was four years old. It was a twenty-six inch (sixty-six centimeters) girl's bicycle, huge compared to me at the time but something I could grow into, and I did. I had the bicycle until I graduated years later to a shiny new three-speed! I loved jumping on the bicycle and pedaling to move faster than I ever imagined I could. At that time, it probably wasn't very fast, but it solidified the enjoyment I have for bicycling that exists to this day.
I've known for a long time that the use of bicycles in the U.S. is nothing like it is in other parts of the world. That fact is emphatically reinforced when traveling outside the U.S. Not only do people use their own bicycles for transportation, but bicycles are readily available to rent. People transport children in seats for children on bicycles. Places to park and lock bicycles are available. Rental locations typically look fairly orderly. Areas for parking personal bicycles are sometimes orderly. Bicyclists appear to be respected on the streets. It would be great if it evolved here in the U.S.
A woman in Paris travels on a rented bicycle.